
Our clients

To us at Cramo Adapteo, Harmet is an important factor in our success with delivering high quality modular solutions to Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Lithuania and Germany. Many daycares, schools, offices and accommodation have been or are currently operated in modules from Harmet.

Highly trained and qualified people with a very high level of service are highly appreciated by us and so is the reliability and product quality. Those are some reason why we see Harmet as a business partner and not just a supplier. Congratulations to your new factory!

Camilla Hensäter
VD of Cramo Adapteo AB

Harmet is committed to delivering high quality products and are a very important part of the BoKlok operations. We have a long-term commitment, which enables BoKlok to realize the new business plan, “another double”, with the goal of doubling the yearly number of built homes by year 2020.

Jonas Spangenberg,
CEO of Boklok